what do you mean? libpng 1.4 is already in many distributions
lest se the most based: (mother of all metadistro)
http://packages.debian.org/search?suite=all&arch=any&searchon=sourcenames&keywords=libpng only 1.2 was! and libexiv differs on oldstable to experimental
lest see the most popular and most used woldwide (note i hate winbuntu)
http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=sourcenames&keywords=libpng only 1.2.X was! and libexiv2 differs to natty from maverick to oneric
Let's talk seriously. I understand that everyone here is up to last software and hav all for (both powerful machines as well as time to browse the Internet) but we must take into account two variables: debian is more liveCD distro that are built and are on the network, and winBuntu is the most widely used system today, and so more satirical is based on debian!.
This is not about preference but thinking that although the older software represent extra work, we all know that when something is older is better known and tested, and in some cases more prefered (like kde3 ironic!!!) this philosophy is carried by debian stability. Ubuntu combines this philosophy and tries to keep up. This filosophy take this project to named trinity, so..