On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 11:12 AM, Darrell Anderson
humanreadable@yahoo.com> wrote:
> We have none. :)
> In the past I mentioned my background in technical writing and an interest in coordinating a user's guide. No promises but I want to get something moving.
> I have PDF copies of three KDE3 user guides. All are licensed to allow using the text in other documents.
> KDEUserGuideFinal.pdf: Published by the United Nations Development Programme’s Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme (UNDP-APDIP)Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (heavily focused on PCLinuxOS)
> opensuse110_kdequick.pdf
> opensuse110_kdeuser.pdf
> Although I could convert those documents to text files with various conversion tools, I would like to find the original source files. For you OpenSuse folks, you might be able to find those two document source files.
> The Kubuntu people at one time had a KDE 3 user's guide. I can find HTML remnants of such a guide on the web.
> Tim, as the one-time Kubuntu coordinator for KDE3 I'm hoping you might be able to find sources for that document.
> Long term I want to establish a process to single source the text to various mediums: a PDF, HTML, wiki, etc. Single sourcing text files long been has the Holy Grail of technical writing and frankly, no optimal solution yet exists despite what anybody might claim. DocBook, DITA, XML all were supposed to provide that single source miracle but none have fulfilled any tech writer's dream. Nonetheless, if we get our hands on the original source files for these documents we then find a big step in the right direction toward providing a much-needed Trinity user's guide. If not we still can convert the information using raw conversion tools.
> Thanks!
> Darrell