> Proposals with a dark background seem to me better. Proposal 11 looks great.
> The previous proposals bothered me discrepancy text background.
> I also liked the proposal 7 => without "wave" in the header. As the background
> is dark, so the wave is too dominant. Please, can you try two more options:
> 1) Instead of wave use a simple dark line - as there used previously from the
> symbol icon on the right side.
> 2) The wave leave as is and text "on wave" align left.
> I'm not saying that some of these variants will be better, because proposal 11
> looks really good, I just wanted to try it.
> --
> Slavek
First of all, for those who might be interested in it, I have found earlier today a page on the KDE website where there is ''almost'' source files of different graphic elements used in classic KDE:
http://www.kde.org/stuff/clipart.php E. Liddell, if you still intent to rebuild the top ribbon, it might help you.
I have also found the SVG scalable file of the Lineart-logo background on kde-look.org:
http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/KDE+Lineart+Logo+for+16%3A10+displays?content=71676It is not ready yet to be pushed to GIT. I want to have it in a ''final'' state, before I can adapt it to other TDE apps using it, such as aKregator, Help, Konqueror...
Slavek, I made a rapid simulation of what you wrote about in KPaint. Not sure, but we won't know until we try!
I'm sorry, I'm not sure to understand the second one you asked for. Can you give more details?
My preferred one is proposal 8, but it is certainly not going to be accepted :)
Thank you! If you have any idea, just let me know!