On 16 November 2011 16:01, Kristopher John Gamrat
<chaotickjg@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wednesday 16 November 2011 03:45:51 pm Timothy Pearson wrote:
> All,
> Given what has been happening lately with respect to KDE4, and the media
> incorrectly attempting to portray us as directly competing with KDE4, and
> there only on reliability and direct feature-set parity, I have a
> challenge for you:
> Write a few sentences stating what you like about TDE most. Leave KDE4
> and other desktop environments completely out of the picture (no direct
> comparisons), and focus on the strengths of this particular desktop
> environment. Mentioning the general theme of your work (i.e. engineering,
> software development, sales, etc.) isn't a bad idea either; this would
> help us gather some demographics on who uses TDE vs who uses other
> desktops.
I use TDE on my home computer, and for literally everything (unless I'm on a
computer too-limited to run a desktop environment). I like to keep things
plain and simple, but I don't like having being limited in my options or
ability to customize. I also don't much care for the "modern look" thing that
most companies and projects are going for. That's exactly why I use TDE. It
allows me to customize to my heart's content without over complicating things
or forcing a "modern look" on my eyes ;-)
> I am also interested in the other side of the coin: What do you hate about
> TDE the most? If other people agree the results could become the basis of
> some new enhancement requests, helping to make TDE better overall.
What do I hate the most about TDE? Hmm... Konqueror's KHTML severely outdated
and doesn't work well on modern web sites. Also KOffice, which is too
simplistic even for me. Other than these, I can't really think of
anything :-)
I like Trinity desktop because of it's integration and flexibility. I like to be able to work with a variety of different applications and for many purposes, and Trinity allows me to do exactly this. It is also very familiar, I like familiar. My family also likes familiar, and as such I can set them up running TDE quickly. They are average users and have no problem using Trinity. I like that it can be used by very basic users (them) and advanced users (me). Trinity Rocks!
I don't like Konquerors broken web browser capabilities. I also do not like how instable Kickoff is. I wish that Trinity would include integration for google calender and other google products. Most of all I would like to see Trinity have integration with LibreOffice.
Calvin Morrison.