On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 11:06 PM, Kristopher Gamrat <pikidalto@gmail.com> wrote:

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:53 PM, Robert Xu <robxu9@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 22:49, Katheryne Draven <borgqueen4@gmail.com> wrote:
> I hadn't noticed my replies were on top, since it displays it on the
> bottom here. Perhaps its because I use the classic and not newer
> version of gmail.
> Anyway as for Robert's request for a odt of the menu mockup, no
> problem will work on it tomorrow when I have the chance.
> It will be a lengthy bugger but if I get Robert's thinking, it will be
> more useful from a collaborative view point.
> Kate

Yay, it bottom posted! :P
I'll be waiting on the odt :)

@Piki: I can just open them with gedit. lol.
Sorry for that random send... I am used to using a mouse and arrow to navigate my gmail, and I seem to have Xorg screwed up somehow where it won't accept any mouse clicks, and in a panic to get back to my reply box, I hit enter on the send button...

@Robert: gedit that's the GNOME text editor right? I can't say I've used it (even in GNOME I still used Kwrite), but why not Kedit, Kwrite, or Kate (the program, not the Borg with the menu mockup)? Kate can load multiple files into tabs and can have different profiles with different sets of files open, would really make things quick to switch between the different .desktop files.

Back on subject, though...
Just to confirm, those were created on Ark 2008.1 using the same program names and file names (on the exec line) as Ark? That should make it easier to adjust for the next release, I'm actually planning to start building Trinity tomorrow after work (provided I have enough energy, it's been crowded at Wally World lately). Once I get done with that, I can get to work on testing your menu entries with some of our packages, even including them in their corresponding packages. You'll also be able to get a visual on what your menu mockup will look like and if it works if you haven't already (I'm assuming you have already).
Ark Linux Webmaster
Trinity KDE Packager