> All,
> We are working on a new web site design. Work is in progress. At
> the moment I will share only that the new design looks great.
> We would like some new Trinity screen shots.
> Limitations:
> * Must be from git (R14).
> * No personal information exposed --- keep everything generic.
> * No strange or unsual color combinations, no black or dark
> backgrounds and wallpapers.
> * Trinity apps only for these images. Certain free/libre non-
> Trinity exceptions are acceptable, but only in the panel or desktop
> icons.
> * Screen shots from virtual machines must be full screen to appear
> as a full desktop.
> * Please remember we are advertising Trinity and not your desktop,
> your 82 inch Jumbotron monitor, your conky talents, etc. :)
> Requests:
> * We need one primary classic desktop shot. This particular shot
> must be a default desktop, such that all of the device icons appear
> as well as the default wallpaper. Add one Trinity app, but do not
> cover the default desktop elements. I am thinking the default
> screen with the release notes (help handbook) and tooltips dialog.
> * A couple more classic desktop shots that are not default.
> * At least one traditional, "Look everybody, I have a dozen apps
> open!" image.
> Other screen shots are open to your liking within the previous
> limitations.
> Send all files to me through the list or directly.
> More news about the new web site design soon to come.
> Please forward this request to the user list. (Yeah, I know, I
> should subscribe....)
> Thank you!
> Darrell
Darrell, you can take a look at my post in January, I sent some screenshots of my setup and many users sent screenshots too:
http://trinity-users.pearsoncomputing.net/?0::5653Mines are from, but since there is next to zero visual changes in R14, well... ...it doesn't matter that much.
Have a nice day!