On 19 December 2011 17:04, E. Liddell
<ejlddll@googlemail.com> wrote:
On Mon, 19 Dec 2011 13:30:51 -0800 (PST)
Darrell Anderson <
humanreadable@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I don't know the technical requirements for offering an RSS feed. As a user, I can offer that the lack of news from Trinity is unsettling. :(
An RSS feed is just an XML document with a fixed location on the Web. Hand-editing
something once a month would be far from impossible, if we don't have time for anything
> We have a News section on the web site and eventually we should use that same text for an RSS feed.
> Even if the news is not yet available through RSS, outsiders should see some sort of life at the News
>section of the web site. A two sentence announcement is sufficient to show movement.
The question then becomes *what* to release--maybe condense a line or two out of each
monthly meeting?
Also we can use bugzilla to generate graphical reports over a certain time period and also report fixed bugs as well as any new development.