> I don't know why we bother with d3lphin. Beta software.
> Darrell

The default behavior of TDE is to open the desktop icons with Dophin if Dolphin is installed. If Dolphin is not there, it will be open with Konqueror.

Like Dolphin or not, the problem is in the way it is treated. In the TDE Control Center, there is a place where you can choose the default applications for things like email, web browser, ... This is where TDE should have an option to let the user choose the preferred file manager.

When I work a lot on files, I usually use Midnight Commander, but when I simply want to choose pictures in a folder or just want to launch a document fast, I prefer Dolphin and its simplicity. Its side-panel with file previews and informations is well-made. But yet I have to agree that Dolphin appeared at the very end of KDE 3 life cycle, so it is still very basic, especially when compared with Dolphin on KDE 4.10. It is completely bug-free, but is is very basic.

Dolphin is great and not in the way of the users for simple operations, but it is not the best file manager for working heavily with files.
