Did you restore the code or write new code? I think the prior.
The patch looks sane enough without me looking into it deeply, especially so if we're reverting code to it's working state.
+1 from me. Push it!
(Btw I like comparisons against 3.5.10, because that way we can keep ourselves in check)
I submitted a small patch to resolve one of the biggest irritants on my hit list, bug report 392 (http://bugs.pearsoncomputing.net/show_bug.cgi?id=392), Desktop Device Icon Placement.
The patch is small and restores a snippet of code that was deleted long ago.
I found the solution by persistent trial-and-error and not any elegant C++ sleuthing. Thus, I ask for a signoff review to inspect the restored code.
I am using the patch here but I'd like to push to GIT.
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