But then you don't find out about breakage on old systems until release.
On Tuesday 11 of March 2014 03:08:58 Timothy Pearson wrote:
> > Do we know which releases are more commonly deployed organizationally?
> > I would assume the LTS releases, but such obvious assumptions prove
> > incorrect all the time -- one sufficiently large deployment using, say,
> > Meerkat, could make that a higher priority for us than Lucid. Do we
> > have statistics on which versions get hit up for updates most
> > frequently? Is there a better measure than that that we might use,
> > given that many deployments might not update frequently at all?
> A public poll is all I can think of. As you said, many institutions will
> not upgrade often, which skews the statistics on this end. Add in local
> mirrors (at least one TDE deployment I am aware of does this) and I have
> no valid data on which to base a decision.
What if we reduce the supported Ubuntu versions in nightly-builds, but keep
support in the stable release? In this way, the load will occur only at the
time of building packages for the stable branch.
What do you think about this?
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