> I have just had another and slower look. I really like much of it.
> The background, and the font for the "TDE" are really great. And on
> consideration I rather like the brashest one, with the different
> logos - the whole think is a harmonious whole, except for the Windows
> logo. :-) Now that is the subtlest and therefore most effective
> comment I have seen on Windows in a long time. ;-) They can't
> complain. It is a very pretty red.
> I withdraw my somewhat grudging acceptance. You have done a great
> job. Just let me keep Plastik and CrystalSVG and I'll be happy!!
> Lisi

Thank you!
The OS X icon is something a made, by patching an icon from the KFaenza icon set. It looks similar to the real OS X icon, but without have to pay copyright on it and it is free/libre.
