I cerainly appreciate the efforts of the Trinity folks too.

Yes, this is confusing with ubuntu, names just add to it.  I have to keep a link so I can sort this out far too often.

One thought would be to include the number along with the name.

Yes, I wish this name silliness would go away too.

Thanks for your efforts, you guys are the best!

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 6:54 PM, Brad Alexander <storm16@gmail.com> wrote:
Mike, even RedHat uses code names...

...and RHEL itself has had codenames such as Pensacola, Panama,
Taroon, Nahtan and Tikanga...

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 4:43 AM,  <westbound@gmx.net> wrote:
> Dear list,
> i have been using Trinity for roughly 1.5 years, a very pleasant experience as opposed to KDE4. My setup is Ubuntu 10.10, and this is where my complaint starts. I will be trying to update pretty soon now, but i only find (not) funny names in the install instructions. I have been a linux user since Redhat 5.1, and it was always clear that 6.1 is more recent than 5.3, but older then 7.1. Later, it was Debian and Ubuntu. Now, i have to cope with childish names. Even the download page for Ubuntu uses version numbers, so it´s not even possible for me to decide which is which.
> Can someone please provide a translation table for the Debian and Ubuntu repositories?
> Thanks for the good work,
> Mike
> And PLEASE, use version numbers in the future!
> --
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