I wholeheartedly second this addition. Been using KDE Connect since I daily-drove Kubuntu 19.10 way back when, and have been using it on every possible platform since then. Mostly just for quick file transfers, but it's easier than spinning up pFTPd on my phone for a few minutes. Currently using it on Windows, even. (Quick pause to let every one get the contents of their stomach back down if need be.)

Heck, I even used it on Trinity at one point with a Qt5 port of the Plastik style, and I recall it being... usable enough for what I was doing. 😅

- hunter graham
-------- Original Message --------
On Dec 15, 2023, 5:50 PM, James D Freels via tde-users < users@trinitydesktop.org> wrote:

I was wondering if any of my fellow TDE users and TDE developers have ever experimented with the KDE connect app/system.  I have installed it on my Debian/12 system and Android phone, and it appears to be working. However, I don't think I am using all of the functionality, and cannot find documentation on how to do so.  It seems like a powerful thing to have for connectivity between the desktop and phone. This might be a great addition to the TDE desktop. Regards, and Merry Christmas to all ! -- James D. Freels, PhD jdfreels@proton.me (personal) NEW as of 11/18/22 jfreels3@utk.edu (utk-related) 865-457-6742 (landline) 865-919-0320 (cell) ____________________________________________________ tde-users mailing list -- users@trinitydesktop.org To unsubscribe send an email to users-leave@trinitydesktop.org Web mail archive available at https://mail.trinitydesktop.org/mailman3/hyperkitty/list/users@trinitydesktop.org