Hi Neil,
Finally, more than 3 months after discovering Trinity, I've bitten the bullet.
I've nuked KDE4 and installed Trinity. My desktop now feels like it's mine
The upgrade wasn't entirely smooth. It took a bit of effort to make sure KDE4
was completely wiped and a fair number of Gnome packages seemed to be
collateral damage in the Trinity installation. I don't think anything
important went.
After installing trinity, I no longer had a graphical login and startx gave me
Gnome desktop. I tried "dpkg-reconfigure kdm-trinity", which failed because
kdm-trinity wasn't installed! After installing kdm-trinity, the desktop looks
good and seems much more responsive than KDE4.
The only other glitches so far were kmail complaining about corrupt indexes
and not finding my incoming email settings. After the indexes were rebuilt
and I replaced the missing incoming account, it seems to be working well.
I haven't been using Trinity long enough to be entirely confident, but it's
looking nice and I'm sure I won't go back to KDE4.
Neil Youngman
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