On Monday, 17 February 2020, 23:10:30 GMT, BorgLabs - Kate Draven <borglabs4@gmail.com> wrote:

> --PCDcTYsoh5uf1KlQW9AMwjNuhGns0UJiv
> Content-Type: text/plain; charsetutf-8
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> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> I have (I thought) konqueror configured to show me the detailed listing of
> directories. It mostly works, but if I hit the "up" arrow to go to a parent
> directory, it suddenly switches to icons instead of the detailed list (even
> I was in the parent before, in detailed list view, and then went to a child
> directory, and then hit "up").
> How can I stop this from happening?
>  Doc
> --
> Web:  http://enginehousebooks.com/drevans
What's up Doc

Your mission, should you decide to accept it...

Ok go to konqueror, settings, file associations, inode, directory.
Click on embedded and them move Detailed List View  to the top.
I personally use Tree View same thing but gives you the ability to open
directories without having to click into them.

Do the above for both directory and system_directory

Hit apply, then ok, then close out all konq sessions and give it ago.

Remember that, if you save a profile with icons or another kind of it, it will
default to how you saved.

As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed,
the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions.

This email will self-destuct in five seconds.

Good luck Doc.

That's a very good tip :D 

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