
26.06.20 14:21, Γιώργος Κωστόπουλος wrote:
I just installed TDE (following the official instructions), on a fresh
Devuan (stable, x64, console-only) installation.
I tried both tde and tdebase metapackages.
Everything seems to work good and well, with one exception:
Sound doesn't seem to work at all.

I have lately observed that issue on my Linux Automation platform: http://oscada.org/wiki/Sub-projects/Automation_Linux_distributive

FIX => The option "autospawn=no" in /etc/pulse/client.conf.d/00-disable-autospawn.conf was commented due to it is discouraging mostly KMix and it doesn't detect PulseAudio at the configuration initialisation. The first start yet comes without PulseAudio but it is appeared in the installed system after the rebooting!

Regards, Roman