On November 30, 2021 6:51:31 PM CST, Mike Bird <mgb-trinity@yosemite.net> wrote:
>Hi Hunter,
>For Bullseye I also block usrmerge so I have a file in /etc/apt/preferences.d
>which starts with:
># BLOCK usrmerge
>Package: usrmerge
>Pin: version *
>Pin-Priority: -1000
># BLOCK *systemd* AND upstart
>Package: *systemd*:* upstart:*
>Pin: version *
>Pin-Priority: -1000
>(Buster was a little trickier as I still needed libsystemd0 back then.)
>FWIW I just successfully installed and then uninstalled synaptic although
>I don't normally use it.
Thanks! Will try Debian now to hopefully circumvent this memory leak bug. I'd rather be running with Debian than a fork that just changes the init.
As for this bug I've wrote lots of issues on the TGW but I just have really bad luck. On one hand the FreeBSD port always gives me hell and on the other, on Linux, I always wind up with dcop errors or this weird memory leakage like I have right now (first time).