Hello.I installedUbuntuwithTDEenvironment,but themanagersoftwarewas absent.So Imanaged to install,but nowsays I havenoprivileges to run.How to solveit?I've never seenit before on a distro. Another problemis that these sameerrors occurwhen trying toinstall a .debpackage.
There isnot boundprogram to performthe installation.
Iwould like to usetheTDEas my defaultenvironment,but I amfindingtheseobstacles.Because there is no TDE distros that came with softwaremanagers like the Ubuntu one. I'm not talking about Synaptic, which many softwares is missing. I have installedtheTDEon SolidX distro, but itisbuggy,andalways losethesaved session.Whichdistroyourecommend me that works out of the box, with TDE environment? It would bepossible to installTDEinMintDebianEdition?I do notwant to useRPM-baseddistros.Thanks in advance.