2011/11/22 Philippe Bourdeu d'Aguerre <bda@aime-toulouse.fr>

I use Trinity under Centos 5.7 at work and Ubuntu 11.10 at home.

I noticed some problems with konqueror in file management profile:

1) Both on Ubuntu and Centos, when I click on System icon sidebar I get this

Cannot find parent item $( kxdglauncher --getpath --xdgname DOCUMENTS ) in the
tree. Internal error.

2) On Ubuntu only some menu items are missing:
- menu "Go" is missing
- menu "Window" is missing
- "Open terminal" is missing in menu "Tools"

I wonder if these are bugs or trouble in my configurations. By the way, is it
possible to submit bugs in bugs tracker system ?

Yes, just register yourself:


Please do submit this as a bug there, though the first one seems distro related.

Best regards,
AIME - Campus de l'INSA                  http://www.aime-toulouse.fr/
135, av. de Rangueil                     Tel +33 561 559 885
31077 TOULOUSE Cedex 4 - FRANCE          Fax +33 561 559 870

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