Hello everyone!

My PCLinuxOS TDE non-official remaster version 2013, July 3 is ready to download!

I call it non-official because it doesn't come from the PCLOS team and since it contains software coming from outside of
their repos, it is also not supported by them. It only has a special ''permission to exist'' from the PCLinuxOS dev team.

It can be seen as a whole as the much-loved PCLOS 2007, but fully updated and upgraded.
It is a complete system that can be used as a LiveDVD or it can be installed (from the LiveDVD).

New on this release:
-Fully updated PCLinuxOS 2013 base system
-A theme switch Zenity script to let the user switch between the more modern theme I use and TDE default theme, to please more users.
-A SuperKaramba theme pack
-It can now be downloaded as a simgle ISO file, and not a multi-part zip file!

On this LivCD:
-Tons of TDE software and major apps like LibreOffice, Firefox and Gimp

Login info (on the LiveCD):
Regular user:guest    Password:guest
Super user: root    Password:root

System requirement:
A x86 computer with at least 256mb of RAM.
It is a 32bit system, but it can be installed on a 64bit system too.

Download link:
http://www.filefactory.com/file/70m9x7neh6w1/n/PCLinuxOS_n-o_TDE_remaster_3Jul2013_download_info_txt  (this file can be placed on TDE mirrors)


If you like what you see, you can consider giving some money to the Trinity Desktop Environment project!

Give me your comments!