Hi All--

Most importantly, thanks Tim for all your hard work on this! I really appreciate it!

As soon as the BitTorrent is up for the final release, can you please send out an email? I'll do my best to share my home bandwidth all weekend (using KTorrent of course!).


kb9vqf@pearsoncomputing.net, 04/24/2009 08:06 AM:
Hi all,

Just a quick question, I'm planning to install the Kde3 Remix of Jaunty
myself as well as a friend (which is why I'm asking so that I can give
an estimate, I'm happy to just wait myself!)- as such I was wondering if
there is an ETA on the final release of this? Or will we be able to
from the release candidate using apt?

Thanks in advance,



Hi cjp,

I am currently waiting for the PPA build system to finish
kde-guidance-kde3.  When this is done I can compile the final CDs, so
tentatively look for them tonight.  At worst they will be available

Yes, you will be able to upgrade with APT, but you won't automatically get
kde-guidance-kde3 if you do that.

Thanks for your interest!
