(Sorry for top-posting; I'm on my phone)
I suggest you to use Unetbootin.
This utility let you transfer almost any LiveCd to a usb key and make it bootable. Please note that sometimes it doesn't work on first try.
On this website, in the download section, you will be able to find a selection of livecd. If you use my PCLinuxOS remaster, all the needed firmwares are installed stock. Probably on the Ubuntu livecd too.
Good luck!
> Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2015 18:29:57 -0400
> From: davisf@union.edu
> To: trinity-users@lists.pearsoncomputing.net
> Subject: [trinity-users] live flashdrive with exegnu (or something)
> greets!
> I'm using David Hare's exegnu with Jessie but for this purpose
> anything Trinity-esque will do.
> I'd like to make a live flashdrive that will be wifi-ready so it's got
> to have the atheros firmware. not quite sure how to achieve this.
> doing up a live flashdrive is easy, it's getting the non-free firmware
> stuff to run that's the problem.
> quick tips?
> f.
> --
> Felmon Davis
> Inside every old person is a young person... Wondering what the heck
> happened.
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