пт, 21 окт. 2022 г., 18:48 Andrew Randrianasulu <randrianasulu@gmail.com>:
Hi all!

I compiled tde 14.0.12 on 32 bit slackware (mostly 15.0, but actually upgraded from much earlier versions) via Ray-V Slackbuilds and desktop works ok.

But today I tried to copy 4.3 gb file from my home dir open in one konqueror  tab into media/sdc1 (newly inserted usb flash drive) open in another tab, by selecting two files, and then selecting 'copy' from their  context menu, and then switching tab and pasting files there.

I was surprized to see error on bigger file, one with 4.3 GB in size, while smaller file (2GB) copied ok. I copied bigger file with mc ok.

ooops, mc also errored out saying file too big (because ventoy created fat32 vol without any option to change this...). Still a bit more informative error than konqueror give me. Also, option to delete incomplete file in such case will be nice ....

I manually (via gparted) formatted second partition on this drive as ntfs and .... konqueror said my pmount does not have 'p' option!

guest@slax:~$ pmount -V
pmount from util-linux 2.37.3 (libmount 2.37.3: btrfs, mtab, namespaces, assert, debug)

manually mounted with ntfs3 kernel driver from 5.19.8 

sorry for one wrong bugreport, but pmount bug might be real after all?

I wonder if this behaviour just comes from miscompilation (missing LARGEFILE_SOURCE ? ) or issue might be deeper ?