Hello devs,
In the past few months I had an issue on the TGW related to imlib while building the FreeBSD port. We had resolved it as if it was my error but it turns out I was not alone.
Thankfully, they resolved the issue by using make -k (a flag I didnt know about) which allows you to continue building with errors. As I write this, Im in the process of doing the same.
Anyways, he also mentions that on the Gitea workspace imlib has not been updated in 2 years while other dependencies hosted on the TGW have. Is this something we're aware of? And better yet, I was told imlib2 is backwards compatible with imlib. Is there a reason we hold an older version of imlib than point to imlib2 which most distros and BSDs have? This may resolve more than just FreeBSD issues.
~ Hunter
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hallo michele, (where are you from ? your name seems italian)
i know this site, my tde build start from here.
RayV/SlavekB make a great job, but is incomplete.
they have forgotten some more complex pkgs like smb4k.
thank for yourcommitment, you are very kind.
thank philippe, you are great.
It is a pity that the transition to cmake
is non ready for only 1 file.
a cmakelists.txt in /utilities
thank again for commitment you put.
hallo philippe,
SlackBuild generator is a great help but... not solve.
now i know sintax for the tqt libs, but something in "configure" link to old qt3.
the build end with:
checking for *KDE*... configure: error:
I can't find the designer plugins. These are required and should have been installed by tdelibs
(tqt designer is in /usr/lib64/tqt/plugins/designer)
ops... i forget to wrtite what distribution.... slackware 15.0.
sources are sources, how to compile is a choice of who write it.
only packaging is customized for distribution.
i have tried deb binary but is not full working.
the enviroment is ok, only build info are missing.
smb4k is during transition from classic make to cmake
but is not finished.
i can wait for the next release.
thank you all for courtesy and answers.