A note to everybody interested: we have an etherpad checklist to track pre-release tasks. Please help with this preparation check list and missing items too.
In the etherpad I attached a preliminary draft/template for a press release. Please add/edit as you see fit.
We need help to create a list of to whom we should send an email with the final press release. Please help populate that list.
Releasing R14.0.0 is a tad down the road yet, but if we peck away at these things then the final days won't be as hectic. :-)
I'm looking forward to the official release!
Also noted from the meeting, the current 3.5.13 will _not_ build on gcc 4.7.1.
There is _no_ reason not to port the patches to the 3.5.13 code base. All the
patches simply cleaned up the code from a syntax standpoint and will not impact
it building on earlier gcc releases. The closed bug 979 holds the collection of
gcc 4.7 patches that could easily be applied to 3.5.13 to make it gcc 4.7.1
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
Pretty sure this is upstream and not distro specific.
It is exactly the same as 'solved' bug number 394 but under latest git
Running tdesu (from guest console or superuser menu item) kills klauncher
and nothing from tmenu or tray will launch, instead receiving the error
message: "Klauncher could not be reached via dcop"
Running tdeinit fixes the error.
To reproduce open a guest console and run 'tdesu kwrite' then close and
launch something from tray.
My build is from latest git. Can someone confirm this behaviour? Regression?
Kind Regards,
Looking at 3.5.10 on suse, there is an app called 'krecord' that is a handy
little sound recorder that provides a frequency spectrum and input-level monitor
window. I can't figure out what source this comes from or if it is in TDE. Any
ideas? Here is a screenshot:
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
I think I have a credible list of remaining image file candidates that are corrupt in some way or unviewable. I used find/xargs and imagemagick 'identify' to find the files. I looked for XCF/JPG/JPEG/GIF/SVG/SVGZ/PNG files. (Did I miss any formats?)
Considering the thousands of image files, this is a very short list! :-)
I already fixed several images using upstream sources.
The first remedy was to find the original sources from upstream and hope the image files there were not corrupt. I have exhausted that search. I'll leave to the image experts regarding the best way to repair, if at all.
identify: no decode delegate for this image format `./tdegraphics/ksvg/test/tiger.svg' @ error/svg.c/ReadSVGImage/2815.
applications/tdesvn/src/pics/hisc-action-tdesvnaddrecursive.svgz ('identify -verbose' stalls with this image; opens in gwenview without incident; opens in karbon but incompletely; definitely something awry)
(These images are no longer found upstream. Several days ago I emailed the developer --- no response yet.)
identify: improper image header `./libraries/pytdeextensions/app_templates/kcontrol_module/src/hi16-app-kcontrol_module.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/2957.
identify: improper image header `./libraries/pytdeextensions/app_templates/kcontrol_module/src/hi32-app-kcontrol_module.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/2957.
identify: improper image header `./libraries/pytdeextensions/app_templates/kdeapp/src/hi16-app-kdeapp.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/2957.
identify: improper image header `./libraries/pytdeextensions/app_templates/kdeapp/src/hi32-app-kdeapp.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/2957.
identify: improper image header `./libraries/pytdeextensions/app_templates/kdeutility/src/hi16-app-kdeutility.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/2957.
identify: improper image header `./libraries/pytdeextensions/app_templates/kdeutility/src/hi32-app-kdeutility.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/2957.
(This image from KDE 3.5.10 to 3.4.1 is corrupt too. The default English version: tdeedu/doc/kvoctrain.)
identify: Ignoring bad adaptive filter type `./tde-i18n/tde-i18n-de/docs/tdeedu/kvoctrain/verb-query-dlg.png' @ warning/png.c/PNGWarningHandler/1472.
identify: Extra compressed data `./tde-i18n/tde-i18n-de/docs/tdeedu/kvoctrain/verb-query-dlg.png' @ warning/png.c/PNGWarningHandler/1472.
identify: Extra compression data `./tde-i18n/tde-i18n-de/docs/tdeedu/kvoctrain/verb-query-dlg.png' @ warning/png.c/PNGWarningHandler/1472.
identify: IDAT: CRC error `./tde-i18n/tde-i18n-de/docs/tdeedu/kvoctrain/verb-query-dlg.png' @ error/png.c/PNGErrorHandler/1455.
identify: corrupt image `./tde-i18n/tde-i18n-de/docs/tdeedu/kvoctrain/verb-query-dlg.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/2995.
(These images from KDE 3.5.10 to 3.1.5 are corrupt too.)
identify: improper image header `./tdesdk/kapptemplate/kapp/hi16-app-app.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/2957.
identify: improper image header `./tdesdk/kapptemplate/kapp/hi32-app-app.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/2957.
identify: improper image header `./tdesdk/kapptemplate/kapp/hi48-app-app.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/2957.
identify: improper image header `./tdesdk/kapptemplate/kapp/lo16-app-app.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/2957.
identify: improper image header `./tdesdk/kapptemplate/kapp/lo32-app-app.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/2957.
identify: improper image header `./tdesdk/kapptemplate/kpartapp/hi16-app-app.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/2957.
identify: improper image header `./tdesdk/kapptemplate/kpartapp/hi32-app-app.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/2957.
identify: improper image header `./tdesdk/kapptemplate/kpartapp/hi48-app-app.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/2957.
identify: improper image header `./tdesdk/kapptemplate/kpartapp/lo16-app-app.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/2957.
identify: improper image header `./tdesdk/kapptemplate/kpartapp/lo32-app-app.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/2957.
identify: improper image header `./tdesdk/kapptemplate/kpartplugin/hi16-action-plugin.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/2957.
identify: improper image header `./tdesdk/kapptemplate/kpartplugin/hi22-action-plugin.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/2957.
I am fixing corrupt image files in the Trinity sources. There is one corrupt file in the German tde-i18n sources:
Most of the image is viewable such that I hope somebody fluent in German can recreate the image.
The default English screen capture (for comparison):
I checked this image from 3.5.10 to 3.4.1. All are corrupt in the same way. The best way to restore the image is to take a new screen grab.
Would somebody fluent in German please run kvoctrain and screen capture the image?
Thank you!
Would somebody please explain, at the complete utter moron level, how to change languages in Trinity so all menus display in that language?
One of the benefits of using docbook to maintain the help handbooks is the ability to export to different viewing formats.
Trinity inherits a handful of KDE3 xsl stylesheets that should help us dynamically create online copies of any help handbook.
Ideally, we generate the output nightly of any document in GIT we want at the web site.
Of immediate interest we want to provide a copy of our FAQ in html format for the web site. I'm updating that document but an old copy may be used to help learn how this process should work.
I fiddled with the xsl stylesheets, but I'm missing the big picture how all of this is supposed to flow.
Although there are several stylesheets, there are only four fundamental stylesheets.
On an installed system they will be installed at:
The primary stylesheets:
kde-chunk.xsl is the default stylesheet and the one used to generate the handbooks when compiling the packages.
Read about the stylesheets here:
The next trick in the process is the meinproc command. This command validates the integrity of the docbook files as well as use a stylesheet to generate an html page.
The basic command looks like this:
meinproc --check ./index.docbook -o /var/adhoc/faq.html \
--stylesheet /opt/trinity/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/kde-nochunk.xsl
For purposes of the web site, the only stylesheet that I have had success is the kde-nochunk.xsl stylesheet, yet even that is not 100% successful. Many of the links in the resulting html are broken because related docbook files are not being converted to html. I need to figure out how to tell the process where to find all of the common images are located as well. I suspect to generate a functional FAQ for the web site we'll need a script to generate all of the necessary pieces in the correct order.
To avoid contaminating your Trinity installation or GIT sources, copy the tdebase source tree to a working directory. Then, for example, cd to tdebase/doc/faq and run the following command:
meinproc --check ./index.docbook -o $WORKING_DIR/faq.html \
--stylesheet $PREFIX/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/kde-nochunk.xsl
where $WORKING_DIR is the location where you copied the tdebase sources and $PREFIX is where Trinity is installed (commonly /opt/trinity).
When experimenting with meinproc, know that when the -o switch is not used that all html files will be generated in the current directory.
I have not figured out how to use the -o switch to automatically generate all required html files to another location. When I use the -o switch only the parent html file is generated in that location. I have to omit the -o switch to generate all of the html files and then mv them elsewhere.
Once we get this all figured out we can document the process in etherpad and then write a script to automate this process.
I appreciate any help. :-)