Built and installed knemo, my favorite network monitor. The first thing I
notices was there was no menu entry created? IIRC there was always a launcher.
Not a huge problem, 'kcmshell kcm_knemo' fires the config right up. Configure it
to taste, set nettools backend to sys and --- nothing shows up in the systray?
Tweak config, try NetTools backend, delete eth0 and recreate, still - no knemo
in systray. Hmm - anyone else see this?
[ ] hide when not connected - unchecked :)
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
This may be a bug in the kbarcode database connect code. I configured mysql
and tested kbarcode. The database connect failed using the TQMYSQL3 driver
(selected in kbarcode settings) Has anyone got it working in R14? The error
received was:
Unable to open database: kbarcode
could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host
"localhost" (::1) and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432? could not
connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host "localhost"
( and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
The user and pass are properly configured in mysql. I also tested my suse kde3
install and setup connected with the 'QMYSQL3' driver without any problems,
installed the tables and added the example data.
Thoughts? Anybody tested this with the 'TQMYSQL3' driver? Seems the 'T' driver
prefix may be a bit nebulous...
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
I'm debugging various problems with digikam.
When I start digikam from the terminal I see the following:
TQObject::connect: No such signal Digikam::ImageAttributesWatch::signalImageTagsChanged(Q_LLONG)
TQObject::connect: (sender name: 'unnamed')
TQObject::connect: (receiver name: 'unnamed')
TQObject::connect: No such signal Digikam::ImageAttributesWatch::signalImageRatingChanged(Q_LLONG)
TQObject::connect: (sender name: 'unnamed')
TQObject::connect: (receiver name: 'unnamed')
TQObject::connect: No such signal Digikam::ImageAttributesWatch::signalImageDateChanged(Q_LLONG)
TQObject::connect: (sender name: 'unnamed')
TQObject::connect: (receiver name: 'unnamed')
TQObject::connect: No such signal Digikam::ImageAttributesWatch::signalImageCaptionChanged(Q_LLONG)
TQObject::connect: (sender name: 'unnamed')
TQObject::connect: (receiver name: 'unnamed')
The strings repeat a second time.
Looking at the sources I see TQ_LLONG but not Q_LONG.
TQ_LLONG is defined in tqt.h.
What is causing these messages?
Everything built without incident, yet no plugins in either app.
David, have you built kipi-plugins? Would you check your digikam and gwenview? In digikam you'll see a fully populated Export menu and in gwenview a fully populated Plugins menu.
Also, when starting digikam for the first time, such as in a new profile (or deleting all profile config files), digikam gets stuck trying to create the database, complaining of file permissions. I'm willing to overlook that at the moment because all of the above could be related to libkipi or kipi-plugins building incorrectly.
I'm debugging various digikam issues. I can't create an initial database.
When I am asked to create the database, I accept the defaults:
Then digikam scrolls through the various messages in the splash image. At the point when the messages say "Scan Albums" the process stops:
The message is misleading because there are no permission problems.
The error message string appears in albummanager.cpp. Looking at the sources indicates there is some kind upgrade test with the database. I don't understand what could be happening because the database is being created for the first time.
I can create a new database in KDE3 and copy that to my profile and then the Trinity digikam does not complain.
Any ideas what is happening here?
Looking at your koffice.SlackBuild, I'm stumbling on your !SVN flag
triggering application of all the patches. Are you applying all the patches under:
if [ "$KDE_RELEASE_VERSION" = "3.5.13" ] && [ "$SVN" != "true" ]; then
to the current GIT code??
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
On Arch when I run vim in konsole in R14, when I exit a file, I get the
following warning every time:
Warning: Color name "BACKGROUND" is not defined
I don't know if this is a tde problem not setting "BACKGROUND" or if it is a
vim problem not finding "BACKGROUND" it should set or handle.
Has anyone seen this warning? Where should background be set and to what? It
kind of looks like the basic xterm settings are not being found, but I've
checked settings in konsole and they look like they do in other installs. Is
this something that isn't being set by starttde?
It's not a standard environment issue, because I set:
18:19 valkyrie:~/Documents/bld/twcs5> export BACKGROUND=#000000
18:20 valkyrie:~/Documents/bld/twcs5> set | grep BACKGROUND
and I still get:
18:20 valkyrie:~/Documents/bld/twcs5> vi PKGBUILD
Warning: Color name "BACKGROUND" is not defined
Any thoughts?
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
I ran into a configure failure regarding the conditional "include_x11":
chmlib to link : system
checking if lib should be compiled... yes
checking if po should be compiled... yes
checking if src should be compiled... yes
configure: error: conditional "include_x11" was never defined.
Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally.
Is this a failure of the build script to include a necessary file or is
this a failure of the configure code? I haven't run into a "conditional never
defined" error with TDE before. What say the experts?
More importantly, how to fix it? All includes are in /usr/include/X11 - a
pretty standard location.
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.