On my notebook (OpenSuSE install) the following happens, if I place the
"kicker" panel upright on the right side:
* "kicker" completely hogs 1 core (with ~4000 BogoMIPS) for around 150 seconds
(yes 2:30!), just to layout and display the panel and react to interaction
* the resulting layout is very far from optimal (to be polite)
* whenever I try to change any configuration option, either via 'kcontrol' or
panel functions, a new "kicker" is spawned, incurring the 2:30 minutes
paralysis penalty
* when trying to change the panel-clock configuration (hoping) to improve
layout, the system after some minutes was driven into a trashing frenzy so
bad, I had to physically switch of the machine (STRG+ALT+DEL or STRG+ALT+BS or
switching to a VT were not possible anymore, terminal windows not reactive,
even "top" was essentially frozen!)
To better understand your vision of Trinity -- what is your perception:
On one hand the code base is from KDE3 in the era of 4:3 displays -- placing
the panel sideways was at least unusual -- I never tried, and don't know if
this ever worked or was expected to work ...
On the other hand, in the era of 16:9 displays IMHO side panels are a
desirable option ...
So, is the reported behavior
* a bug report?
* a request for improvement?
* a change request?
* to be expected and tolerated for such an uncouth non-traditional
configuration (;-) ?
Best regards,