On Mon, 10 Mar 2014 04:22:22 +0000 (GMT)
Michele Calgaro <michele.calgaro(a)yahoo.it> wrote:
Michele, if
the consensus is to open a bug report on this one - can you do that this time?
no problem.
As for me, this could impact TDE quite badly, so it would be reasonable to fix it before
Just waiting for other's opinions :-)
On the one hand, this is a new lib, growing pains are to be expected, and HAL is still
available as a backup on many distros.
On the other hand, having a background process--any background process--consuming
constant and significant CPU is not desirable.
This could be justifiably labeled as a blocker bug, I think, since it's going to
TDE's performance significantly on any distro not still shipping HAL.
That being said, Slavek is right--if in order to use notifications, we need to
know what signals and devices need to be handled. Power management needs to
know about AC being plugged in/unplugged and batteries being added/removed,
I'd assume. For automounting, we'd need to capture a whole bestiary of events:
plugging/unplugging of USB mass storage, sD and other similar cards, optical
disks, floppies . . .
E. Liddell