OK, I'm getting closer :) I threw in an ugly hack
got TQt3:
## hack acinclude.m4
sed -i '/qt_bindirs=""/s|""|/opt/tqt3/bin"|'
sed -i
Now I can chase the unintended consequence of the aggressive
use of sed and work my way back to a clean build. Thanks for your help, I'll
report back with results.
Here is the problem:
sed -i 's|/usr/include/tqt|/opt/trinity/include/tqt|g' admin/acinclude.m4.in
Install tqtinterface to /usr and all other packages to /opt/trinity. I'm guessing this
is where many of your build problems lie. I don't fight this or try to be clever. I
build tqtinterface to install to /usr. I forget the reason for this, but I think the
reason is all of the automake packages are hard-coded to look there. I don't know
where else in the automake files /usr/include/tqt is hard-coded.
Cmake works differently to detect tqt.h. I believe through the tqt-mt.pc file.