Hey, been a long time since I've emailed this list. Life...
On 10 March 2014 20:06, Calvin Morrison <mutantturkey(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Tim , Robert,
Can we leverage OpenSUSEs OBS project for building trinity?
We can, but their build system is already overwhelmed with tons of
projects, and I'm pretty sure I don't want to add the strain of
trinity for now. Also, they don't integrate with git, which may make
things difficult.
I would definitely recommend figuring out which releases should no
longer be supported - I was looking at the
trinitydesktop.org website
and there are a lot of old releases that we still seem to have...
Tim - would cloud building be an option? (like those $0.005/hr servers
that can be brought up/down on demand?). Just a random thought on
that. Could be useful to leverage if QuickBuild could support it.
cheers, Robert :: protocol.by/rxu