Attachment 1958 is the completed source code that
contains both patches
supplied by Francios (attachment 1944 & 1945) applied. This code is ready to be
added to the git tree under tde/main/applications. Once there, we will submit by
patch a commit to change the menu location. Who will be the one that will push
this over?
Likewise, the code for the katesort-plugin (attachment 1956) is ready to be
added to the git tree as well. This as well go to tde/main/applications.
Who will be the one that can add the sources to the tree? Let's get this done
before the 2/28 target date for R14 freeze.
I can push both xmleditor and kate sort but I won't. They have to be tested. Normal
testing requires at least two different distros, preferably three such as Debian based
system, an RPM system, and an independent such as Arch or Slackware. Ever since I have
been involved in this project I have seen many times where something works with one distro
but not another. Sources can't be pushed flippantly because the Debian folks have to
validate their packaging rules.
Regarding kate sort, I created two optional packages, which I'll attach later to the
bug report. In one version I stripped all the cruft from the sources and updated the help
handbook. That version can be added as a stand-alone package in applications. With the
other option I merged the necessary files into tdeaddons/kate-plugins. I merged the sort
handbook into the kate plugins handbook as well. I prefer this latter option because
tdeaddons has been converted to cmake. As a stand-alone package I have to use
--enable-closure to build with automake. The plugin works fine and is simple to use.
This is the kind of work and review thing I mean by quality control, not "works for
me so push."
Don't worry about the Feb. 28 soft freeze. The etherpad states that minor enhancements
and new features are still allowed until the hard freeze. Because these two additions are
minor they qualify for being pushed after Feb. 28. In the mean time you have working
patches for yourself and that should suffice until the review process completes.
I still have to test xmleditor, review the handbook, and verify I can build. If the
handbook is html rather than docbook then that will require additional time to convert.
Right now I am trying to figure out what the hell happened to the bugzilla that I
can't log in and my browser cookies are no longer recognized.