It's possible[1], and I'd bet the old ones
were in fact
generated as vector exports, but the smallest versions may not look very good without
some manual retouch, which I didn't do to the attached files. (I may not
have the right filenames either, but I'm sure you can sort it out.)
[1] To do so, you:
1. Open Inkscape and load the .svgz
2. Select File > Export Bitmap from the menu
3. Set the dimensions and filename and click Export
4. Repeat step 3 as necessary to generate all required sizes
Thank you. These look great!
I'll have to build inkscape as the app does not come standard with Slackware. That
means building about a dozen dependencies too. Sigh.
I was able to open the svgz in karbon14, but karbon14 stretched the image vertically, like
Silly Putty. Would be nice if we could figure out how to use TDE software to support these
images --- eat our own dog food.