Regarding my earlier comments on whether anyone has
KDE4 recemtly, I downloaded a KDE 4.9 testing LiveCD with OpenSUSE
12.1. While the boot sequence was slow and the default graphics are as bad as I
remembered, the killer was that the entire virtual machine locked up as soon
as I clicked the Kicker menu icon. I think I'll wait until OpenSUSE
officially releases a LiveCD with KDE 4.9 before trying again. :-)
I find testing Live CDs in a virtual machine to be problematic at times. Something about
the way Live CDs are made or function goes awry in a virtual machine. Mostly I tend to
avoid that kind of testing because unless the Live CD is built with virtual machine video
drivers, the maximum resolution is 800x600.
I don't know whether 4.9 continues the practice, but the default in KDE4 was
compositing being enabled. That will cause older versions of VirtualBox to fail.
Testing KDE 4.9 from a Live CD in a virtual machine likely is not conclusive in any way.
I have access to 4.8.5 but have not explored.