On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 16:59, Ilya Chernykh <anixxsus(a)gmail.com> wrote:
And what I read from the replies by Robert and Pearson
was that all bad things are related to KDE:KDE3 and the criticism does not
affect Trinity. KDE:KDE3 is insecure, unmaintained and outdated
while Trinity is new, secure, patched etc, let's spit and bite KDE:KDE3, and we will
be in all white.
Apologies if my reply seemed harsh or attacking; it is definitely not
and never will be my honest intention.
However, I did want to point out that Trinity is a fork of KDE3, not a
later daze. :: Robert Xu ::
rxu.lincomlinux.org :: protocol.by/rxu