I'm busy updating the TDE handbook files. Right now I'm working on the user
guides. I'm progressing nicely. Revising text, submitting patches and new images to
the bugzilla, repairing web links, etc. Eventually I'll post the user guides for
I'm writing notes to explain the processes used. Eventually I'll post that
information too, either at the wiki or directly in a handbook help file.
As a technical writer, for many years I have grimaced every time I read the expressions
"left mouse button," "right mouse button," "click," and
"right-click." I frown when I read the word "click" rather than
I'm not anal about language. I'm not a purist. I embrace the fact that languages
and usage evolve. Yet I strive for technical correctness because communicating ideas is
challenging. Skilled communicators say what they mean and mean what they say. :)
Those mouse related terms bother me from a technical correctness perspective. Why?
Because the terms are technically incorrect for people who use a mouse configured for
left-handed use. That is, with the mouse button roles swapped. I should know --- I have
used my mouse that way for almost two decades. I have a pretty good laugh every time
people try to use a computer desktop I have configured. Swapping the buttons of the mouse
confuses people like crazy because they never pay attention to the fact that my mouse is
on the left side of my keyboard. :)
I have wondered through the years how such lazy street language terms translate into other
The challenge most people counter is what terms to use as replacements?
The best I have conceived is "primary" and "secondary" buttons. Yet I
realize some people might find those terms confusing too.
Should we talk about people who use three button mice? In the days before scroll wheels
such mice existed --- I have one in my junk box. :) How about five button mice? Seven?
When does "left" and "right" become meaningless? Should those terms be
used at all?
I realize conventional usage often prevails but that does not mean those terms are
technically correct. :)
I'd like to hear some other thoughts and opinions about the subject.