On 03/10/2012 04:32 PM, David C. Rankin wrote:
No, we're seeing the same thing:
16:30 nirvana:~/tde/tde/main> grep qt_cast tdelibs/tdefx/kstyle.cpp
if ( TQFrame *frame = ::tqqt_cast< TQFrame* >( widget ) ) {
if ( TQFrame *frame = ::tqqt_cast< TQFrame* >( widget ) ) {
&& (frame = ::tqqt_cast<TQFrame*>(object))
TQToolBar *toolbar = ::tqqt_cast< TQToolBar *>( frame );
if (::tqqt_cast<TQPopupMenu*>(p))
kstyle->renderMenuBlendPixmap( blendPix, cg,
::tqqt_cast<TQPopupMenu*>(p) );
if (::tqqt_cast<TQPopupMenu*>(p))
::tqqt_cast<TQPopupMenu*>(p) );
This is what I SHOULD have -- right?
Hold on -- I just kicked off another build after manually cleaning the chroot. I
think since I didn't increment the pkgversion variables, that it might have
pulled in an old file.
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.