On Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2016, 10:22:22 wrote Calvin Morrison:
state: Suspend-To-Idle
ACPI state: S0
Label: "freeze"
This state is a generic, pure software, light-weight, system sleep state.
It allows more energy to be saved relative to runtime idle by freezing user
space and putting all I/O devices into low-power states (possibly
lower-power than available at run time), such that the processors can
spend more time in their idle states.
This state can be used for platforms without Power-On Suspend/Suspend-to-RAM
support, or it can be used in addition to Suspend-to-RAM (memory sleep) to
provide reduced resume latency. It is always supported.
Thanks for this clarification!
Where in the source (and how) could I've found that (trying to learn to find my
way around myself, at least a little bit ...)
To avoid a possible misunderstanding by the flurry of bug reports I produce at
the moment: I'm just making the "Grand Tour" through TDE, taking note of all
rough edges. Please take the flood of critic reports as sign of care and
appreciation of the project.
I will then raise a bug report concerning the documentation (which I could
perform in english and german, given some guidance) and an improvement request
concerning Suspend2Both ...