On 04/25/2012 11:08 PM, Calvin Morrison wrote:
Err but if you're having problem getting line
numbers, you should enable
debugging with cmake flags. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE i think it is and set it
to equal
DEBUG. that works for me at least.
Crud, I forgot all about that. I'll check. The x updates make sense. If
are rendering differently then some possible buffer overrun... Who knows,
but I
can't explain the hang causing kwrite CPU use to spike to nearly 90%. That
little app?
Could be an Xorg glitch, an ABI problem in Xorg, or an indication of a
more serious problem in TDE. If you continue to experience problems after
rebuilding and reinstalling tqt3 a bug report will need to be filed with
detailed Xorg information from your system.