On 04/11/2012 02:43 PM, Darrell Anderson wrote:
How about
| | Show logout dialog
How about
| | Show logout process simplified
Okay, but doesn't sound quite right in English. :) This sounds better in English:
| | Show simplified logout process
| | Show simplified logout process dialog
or, because Calvin :) dislikes verbosity:
| | Show logout process dialog
Verbosity is bad when it inflicts ambiguity. In this case I think we
need need to be more verbose so we can be very specific about what we
are showing. Unfortunately often I see very ambiguous settings that do
not describe very well what they do. This is probably because people who
are writing code are not usually technical writers or documenters. Those
people would be better suited to picking names and config option titles.
We need to be unambiguous, and do it by being terse.