On 03/06/2011 12:27 PM, David C. Rankin wrote:
On 03/06/2011 09:03 AM, Serghei Amelian wrote:
On Sunday 06 March 2011 16:33:32 Baho Utot
The file is in the svn tree should it be ?
What regenerates mount_xdr.c?
When I rm kioslave/nfs/mount_xdr.c in my build script (PKGBUILD)
the build completes without error.
Can someone if they have time look at this?
As i recomended hundreds times, PLEASE
use out-of-source mode. Otherwise you
will run in strange troubles, mixing sources with generated files.
Since Arch downloads (or svn updates) the code on each build, but then builds
in the same 'src' dir, sometimes you just have to delete 'src'
I keep a clean copy of the svn tree under ~/arch/trinity and I put the
pkgbuilds under ~/tblds/<module name>. When I run into problems like this, I just:
sudo rm -r ~/tblds/kdebase/src/kdebase
cp -a ~/arch/trinity/kdebase ~/tblds/kdebase/src/kdebase
Then do makepkg -s again.
Last night before going to bed, I kicked off 2 (i686 builds) and an (x86_64)
build. All 3 built everything from tqtinterface -> kdegraphics without error.
Won't work for me as I am building in a clean chroot.
I always build in a clean chroot as to advoid unwanted dependencies
The clean chroot gives me a set/group of packages that will work on any
Arch system
as the linked dependencies are controlled.... no surprises.
I am going to try a couple of other methods.
1. creating a build directory and building it from there
2. do a svn co, clean, update create source packages then
build the binaries from that.
I should be able to rsync my build system and PKGBUILDs here shortly.