On 17 November 2011 11:10, Kristopher John Gamrat <chaotickjg(a)gmail.com>wrote;wrote:
On Thursday 17 November 2011 10:25:58 am Marvin L.
Jones wrote:
On Thu, 17 Nov 2011, Calvin Morrison wrote:
But if we are suggesting that our users are
incapable of editing markup
of any kind, I seriously doubt their ability to use patch, diff, and
git commands.
You expect _users_ to be doing patch, diff, and git commands?
I don't think so.
If the website view of the git repository allows people to download files
directly, they don't need to use git. They can just submit it to us and we
can upload it to git. It would just be easier for those who do know git.
Is it too late to put in a request to do
documentation in WordStar?
Now, there's a markup language _I_ know! :-)
(I have it running here on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS...)
I don't think we'll accept any requests for any markup languages. If you
find something that'll do the job efficiently without making it any harder
than opening a standard word processor, then it's not too late.
A standard word processor? you mean libreoffice.
I've been double checking and I can't find fodt support in Abiword,
msoffice, and I don't think Word Perfect does it either.
Another reason to use markup is because it is standardized. With a regular
office application, users would spend a lot of time selecting and making
sure font sizes, formatting, and other things are correct. With markdown
you don't do any of this.
I think saying "we are not going to use any markdown because we dont want
our contributors to have to learn anything, even remotely simple" is a bad
philosophy. I understand if they were going to be using LaTex (quite
complicated) or writing in C++, but markdown is designed exactly for these
sort of things.
I dunno,
Calvin Morrison