BTW, I went through your build script and -- man,
that's not
something you through together in the past couple of days :) It will take
a while to digest it all with the difference between arch/slack build systems,
but I was totally impressed.
Thanks. :) Yes, the build scripts and environment evolved over two years.
Originally I only supported building KDE3, which was no longer being supported in
Slackware. Later I added TDE to the same setup. I could build KDE3 or TDE from those
scripts. I have those scripts and build tree through a different web page.
My current setup only supports TDE. I probably could reduce more overhead in my master
options template now that I no longer am building KDE3 in my new environment. Possibly
after R14 I'll look at additional streamlining.
In other words, if you see something that seems wasted, unused, or like cruft, you
probably are correct but now know how things got that way. But that is how most software
projects grow and evolve, n'est pas? :)
I'm not a computer science major. I'm just a person who is stubborn and works hard
at getting to a solution. There are better, slicker, and more optimized ways of doing
things. I adapt as I learn, but what I have works well.
I always want to learn but sometimes the goal is the solution and learning has to be a
side benefit. That is how I approach many of the bug reports these days. That is,
"let's get things resolved." Learning along the way is good but not my
primary goal for bug reports.
In the early days of my project participation I caused Tim grief asking him to adapt
things to build and work in Slackware. I think the project is the better for that, but I
still cause him grief. :)