---- "E. Liddell" <ejlddll(a)googlemail.com> wrote:
On Sun, 9 Mar 2014 03:07:30 +0000 (GMT)
Michele Calgaro <michele.calgaro(a)yahoo.it> wrote:
For input
event devices such periodic rescan now represent dbus call to check
the status of switches. Find ways to solution listed as 1) would be good.
I also
think we should investingate option 1), even though I have no idea how to do that.
I *think* we need to set up to receive notification signals from dbus, but most of
the available documentation and examples are beyond my C programming weight
class. The obvious place to start is dbus's own docs
http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/dbus/#index4h1 ). There's also what
seems to be an extensive example of signal creation and capture at
E. Liddell
Francios, Slavek, Michele, E.
Depending on the difficulty this fix requires, this may be one we want to fix before
R14. It effects every install and the sheer volume of clock-cycles being consumed when TDE
is sitting idle is alarming. Get Tim's input, but I think we need a bug report opened
at either critical or blocker (you guys make the call). I'm in Colorado this week and
have limited time over the next 6 days. I get the trinity-devel list, but my replies must
be sent via my ISP's webmail interface (not good). Keep up the great work. Michele, if
the consensus is to open a bug report on this one - can you do that this time?
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.