Take it as a challenge: Why exactly would you choose
over a FOSS solution for a corporate environment? Quantify the
reasons and file enhancement requests to get them fixed.
Which basically was my point in my previous post. :) I would like to explore this topic
after R14. That is, what do we need to do?
My daily usage in my home office is not within a classic enterprise environment, but I
envision various work flows based upon recent work contracts. Off site in my home office I
use my KDE3 desktop running VirtualBox to run Windows apps, mostly FrameMaker. I use KMail
and configure that app for any contract related email address assigned to me. I browse the
web for research through Firefox on my normal KDE3 desktop. I'm resistant to using
instant messaging apps as I dislike such interruptions. I'm known for unplugging my
phone ringer when I don't want to be interrupted. :) Thus in my limited manner I am
able to use KDE3 as my primary desktop with no issues.
Resolving about two dozen bug reports will allow me to seamlessly migrate to Trinity. That
is very much my goal with R14. :)
Working on site is more challenging. A recent client uses the full MS Office suite, which
includes Outlook and Communicator. As long as KMail could connect to the Exchange back
server, I'm guessing I could continue using KMail. Does KMail support that?
I don't know whether KOrganizer could be used to interface with the Outlook scheduling
back end. Does KOrganizer do that?
Last I looked none of the Trinity IM apps supported the protocol used by Communicator.
Please update me if I'm wrong.
On site I could run all of that in a virtual machine --- if the IT people let me. More
than likely most IT people will require me to use their preconfigured workstations and
software because of lockdown requirements. That's life in the contracting world.
Working on site is quite different from working off site. :) A more open minded IT staff
might let me use my own OS and desktop, but the direct line of people I am contracted
expect me to use the in-house software --- IM, email, scheduling, etc. As long as I can
interface with their software and back end apps and servers, they probably would not care.
The unknown is whether I can connect in that manner.
Outside the Windows perspective is a different conversation. For me the only speed bump to
using Trinity in an enterprise environment are the open bug reports. I write that from the
perspective of other users, not me who is more computer savvy than the type of people I
tend to contract with. We'll get through those bugs in the upcoming weeks. Eliminating
those bugs leaves only the questions about interfacing with standard office apps and back
ends. Can we get there? I don't know but I'd like us to explore. Perhaps that
could be an R15 goal?