On Monday 02 of September 2013 17:08:55 Darrell Anderson wrote:
Tim, Slavek,
Perhaps the convert kde3->tde script could be updated to include
renaming *.kdevelop files to *.tdevelop?
That would include updating po(t), Doxyfile, doxygen files, etc.,
such as KDevelop->TDevelop; although we should be careful not to
modify "About" strings that credit the original KDevelop team
In the current patch for convert_existing_kde3_app_to_tde I already have:
-e "s|kde\.org/tdehotnewstuff|kde.org/khotnewstuff|g" \
-e "s|tdevelop\.org|kdevelop.org|g" \
-e "s|tdewebdev\.org|kdewebdev.org|g" \
Fix of accidentally renamed web and email address will be included in patches
that we finishing at this time.
Renameing the *.kdevelop to *.tdevelop I can incorporate into script, if we
want to do this renaming.