Considering the original volume of changes needed, we're about as okay as we can
expect, but --- we still find branding issues. For example, today I found some more and I
am pushing patches.
To resolve remaining branding issues we need the following:
* Some really smart person to grep the system properly looking for corrupt image files
(png, xcf, jpg/jpeg, whatever else might be out there). We can't inspect those images
for branding issues. For whatever reason, seems many of the images got corrupted with
CR/LF issues. We have found most of the corrupt files (walch.martin found most of them ---
I only pushed clean files), but I don't know of a good way to search the sources for
corrupt image files.
(Note: Corrupt image files do not block building packages, but they cause usability issues
that reflect badly on us).
* Some really smart person to grep the system looking for text strings containing KDE. I
haven't figured out a slick way to search the sources for these branding issues.
Again, I think we have found most but we continually find more, albeit a smaller number of
these strings appear each time. The challenge is we *cannot* do a blind global
search-and-replace. We are at the point where we have to review each potential suspect
string in context to ensure we are updating human-viewable text strings and not code
* Some really smart person to figure out how the fifteenpieces applet About dialog is
sucking in a KDE3 branded image (bug report 1052). I don't know whether the problem is
limited to fifteenpieces or whether the image being used is a global default About image.
One way or another we need to find that image and update.
* Internationalization (tde-i18n) files are beyond me. I nonetheless have patched many of
these files. Most of the changes have been in the nature of KDE->TDE, but I suspect
that in those patches occasionally I presumed incorrectly and changed something that
changed contextual meaning. I don't know how we are going to resolve the differences
between the tde-18n files and the parent files in the main source tree (po files,
*.desktop files, *.docbook files, etc.)