I cannot and I found the following reasons:
ldd /opt/trinity/bin/groupwarewizard
libegroupwarewizard.so => not found
libsloxwizard.so => not found
libkolabwizard.so => not found
libexchangewizard.so => not found
ldd /opt/trinity/bin/egroupwarewizard
libegroupwarewizard.so => not found
ldd /opt/trinity/bin/exchangewizard
libexchangewizard.so => not found
ldd /opt/trinity/bin/kolabwizard
libkolabwizard.so => not found
ldd /opt/trinity/bin/scalixwizard
libscalixwizard.so => not found
ldd /opt/trinity/bin/groupwisewizard
libgroupwisewizard.so => not found
My build script includes:
The *.so files exist, but none of the binaries are linked correctly.