Timothy Pearson wrote:
If TDE were to close down, which desktop would you use
instead? You would
be allowed to abandon Linux entirely in this scenario. ;-)
I would stay with Trinity as long as it works (even if not maintained).
Basically that's what I did with KDE 3.5 as well when I encountered
issues with KDE 4 that I unfortunately could not quickly solve. I just
reverted back to KDE 3.5.
In the long run I would (maybe will) use KDE 4. I know the same
developers built KDE 3.5 and I still trust they will deliver a stable
desktop. Right now I use Trinity, but I also have KDE 4.8 installed.
There were some graphical issues in KDE 4.8, so I'm using Trinity now.
Hopefully I can get in touch with the right people to solve the issues
in KDE.
I have less trust in running KDE 4.8 on an older systems, so I would
likely stay with Trinity there (being too lazy to look for something
else and to really test KDE 4's performance).
Please state why you have not already switched; i.e.
what item are missing
or suboptimal in the other environment.
Right now I have a lot of systems on Trinity and this will not just
change, because it requires effort. (Not just installing, also still
some bug solving it appears.)
I am curious as to why TDE still exists and need some
concrete examples to
fall back on to counter detractors.
It seems in large corporate settings, KDE 3.5 is found to be more
attractive right now. In Munich there is also a big roll-out with
GNU/Linux desktops and they appear to use KDE 3.5 for this. There is an
article in German about this here:
I am not convinced yet that Trinity will have a long and strong future,
but for the past years I have been using Trinity on Lucid as my main
desktop which was working just great. I think the next release will also
be very useful for many people who for whatever reason are not ready
(yet) to go to KDE 4. In the end I do expect that Trinity users will
join the KDE 4 crowd again.
I cannot just predict when/that I would fully switch from Trinity to KDE
4. Maybe I will stay with Trinity much longer and development will even
prove over time to be reliable and maintain a full alternative desktop
environment. As a long-time KDE and now Trinity user, I hope to see as
much cooperation possible to get a desktop environment that is both
using modern technologies and provides the classic KDE experience that
I've grown accustomed to.