It is possible and I will probably do so. Trouble is
I am not sure
exactly how to do that with Automake, so it may take some
time to
Good to hear. Thanks!
I take it Slackware builds kdepim with the majority of
folder disabled? Most of the resources in there are
for enterprise use as
well; just curious if the problem is merely the
external dependency or if
it is directly related to the added functionality.
I'm not following what you mean by that. There is nothing in the configure settings
like that. OTOH, I haven't looked at kdepim configure --help to notice whether any of
those related settings need to be explicitly enabled and hence, in Slackware are disabled
by default.
Would you provide more details what you are seeking?
Generally speaking, Slackware is not built to accompany all types of users. There have
been times through the years when I had to add configure options to a package and rebuild.
Further, Slackware tends to stay primarily focused on geeks, oops, technical users, and
servers. At times with his development perspective, I think Patrick Volkerding was pulled
into the 21st century kicking and screaming. The guy knows his stuff but his focus is very
much old school. His philosohphy is that he is providing a base operating system that
end-users build upon and he does not provide a full-featured system or even try. That
actually is what attracts many people to Slackware.
With that said, regarding the lib*dav* stuff, I'm speaking only from my own
perspective. I just have no use for social networking, semantic desktops, online apps,
etc. In that respect, I tend to be old school too.