On 14/11/2015 18:53, Alexandre wrote:
This morning I had some time to play with Gimp, and I made a new
splash for amaroK.
It is based on a few KFaenza and Masalla 0.8 (0.8 is now gpl, by the
way) icons.
Tell me what you think, and if someone is interested in seeing it
replace the old one.
The original for me.
In my case, Amarok was one of the main reasons for staying loyal to KDE3
and moving to TDE, so I would not want it changed, especially just for
the sake of it. Whilst your different image looks nice it does nothing
for the app in my opinion.
Now, adding the ability to 'glue' specific tracks together (i.e. ensure
those tracks plat together, in order) whilst in random play mode, well,
that would be earth shattering!
Mike Howard